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Web design
agency Berlin

  • Websites, Shops and Landing Pages
  • Design, development and administration
  • 10+ years of experience
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    Web design agency Berlin

    Are you looking for a different, creative marketing agency in Berlin? Then you'll end up with us sooner or later anyway. Because our name says it all - we are the web design heroes and make you happy. We not only create classic websites, but are also professionals in the optimization of mobile internet presences. Our imaginative team will give you a digital presence that will stand out from the crowd.

    Our web design service
    at a glance

    As the saying goes, "There's no second chance for a first impression." And here we come into play again. With us you get a stylish website that immediately catches the eye and accordingly will be remembered for a long time. We have the following services in our program:


    Based on your ideas and wishes we will create a smart concept together to guarantee you a professional internet presence.

    Responsive Web Design

    Responsive Webdesign

    Responsive web design for optimizing the common mobile devices and display sizes of smartphones, tablets and co. has revolutionized web design. It has an influence not only on the pure indexing (listing) at Google, Bing and the like, but also on the SEO measures to improve the findability at the search engines.



    As experts in web development and programming, we at Happy Heroes Agency know exactly what's doable, what's not - and how to make it work anyway.

    Our team of solution-oriented web developers works hand in hand with the art director, UX designer as well as the appropriate copywriters for your industry. This ensures short project times with the highest reliability and functionality.

    Overview of programming

    • Programming overview
    • Implementation as well as database and backend development
    • Design of webshops, e-commerce, e-business and omni- and multichannel strategies
    • Product/brand staging: HTML5, CSS, Motion Graphic Design, Javascript, Flash
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    Website Relaunch


    In the course of a website relaunch, you get a general overhaul of your previous online presence. We usually pimp the design and technology. However, the content and the rough conception remain unchanged. So you don't have to worry about your previous content or existing SEO rankings.

    Reasons for a website relaunch

    Since spicing up a web presence involves costs, you should be sure that your expenses are worth it. Therefore, we have created a small checklist for you to analyze your website.

    Overview of reasons for a website relaunch

    Your internet presence is:

    • Meanwhile old-fashioned
    • Not user friendly and takes forever to load
    • Not optimized for mobile devices
    • Includes little or no organic traffic
    • Converts poorly, so users bounce quickly
    • Overloaded in content
    • An HTML dinosaur from the early 2000s
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    To stay up-to-date, websites need to be updated at certain intervals. This mainly concerns texts and images, but plugin maintenance and updating is now also part of most CMS systems. The administration also includes the creation of news, subpages, dates, menu items and other content.


    Webshop development

    To create an excellent webshop for you, we have a clever strategy up our sleeves. Based on extensive research, we create your store according to your target project and fill it with the necessary keywords. In addition, we orientate ourselves on the competition - and thus go one better.

    For the perfect setup, we need data about your enterprise resource planning system (ERP), your workflow, your target group - and of course about your ideas and wishes. Make sure to clarify in advance which eCommerce system you want to work with.

    Basically, you have the choice between numerous systems, whereby Prestashop, Shopware, Woocommerce, Shopify are among the most used. Decide in advance which payment methods you want to accept and whether you want to integrate Produktivideo. We will be happy to advise you on this decision in advance, free of charge.

    As far as the replacement of your existing system and the integration of new technologies or your store management is concerned, you can sit back and clasp your hands behind your head - we'll be happy to do that for you, too. With the implementation of your e-commerce software with the other system interfaces round off our top service.

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    SEO optimized website

    Search engine optimization (SEO) is one of the most important parts of the web design process that we carry out as an agency. Through targeted optimization, SEO enables you to ensure that your desired target audience will inevitably land on your site.

    Overview of the most important SEO elements

    • Search terms
    • Texts
    • Metatags
    • sitemaps
    • Page title
    • Headings
    • Robots
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    Google Core Web Vitals

    Google Core Web Vitals

    On the subject of Core Web Vitals, we as an agency are getting more and more questions from our clients in the context of web design. So let's summarize the most important:

    The Core Web Vitals reflect the user experience of your website on the basis of the most important technical key figures. Based on the existing factors, your presence is classified and evaluated.

    The loading process, interactivity, and visual stability are especially important.

    Overview of the most important key figures

    • Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)
      For measuring the duration of the loading process until the main content of a page is reached. The ideal value here is a maximum of 2.5 seconds.
    • First Input Delay (FID):
      FID is the amount of time it takes from your first interaction - such as clicking on a link - to the response on the browser.
    • Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)
      CLS measures the stability of the layout of your website and whether there is a shift of the layout elements during the nituibf. According to Google, the ideal value is a maximum of 0.1.
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    Responsive Webdesign

    Responsive Webdesign



    Website Relaunch

    Website Relaunch


    Based on your ideas and wishes we will create a smart concept together to guarantee you a professional internet presence.

    Get in touch



    Webshop development

    Webshop development

    SEO optimized website

    SEO optimized website

    Google Core Web Vitals

    Google Core Web Vitals

    couple with laptop

    The process of web design in our agency

    SEO always starts with the design of the website. This must be technically flawless in order to be found when Googling. To achieve this, we first perform a detailed analysis and an in-depth technical crawl of your website. Thereby all criteria are evaluated, which are important for the Google ranking. This evaluation results in the Technical SEO Audit, with which all deficiencies of your website can be corrected step by step.

    Planning & conception based on your needs

    A successful project requires detailed planning and close cooperation so that we can implement your ideas and expectations precisely. Whether appearance, design or content structure - you will always be informed about the options and the project progress.

    We are also absolutely transparent in terms of costs. We only charge for services that you have approved in advance. In this way we create your individual website, which will fill both you and your customers with enthusiasm.

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    Creation of a moodboard

    The mood board can be compared to a collage. It is populated with text, images and other details that both define your brand and convey your brand identity. A mood board can also help you in the development of your project.

    Überblick über die Einsatzgebiete des Moodboards

    • Inspiration

      To focus on factors such as vision, identity, company characteristics and emotions that you want your brand to convey.

    • Confirmation

      To transfer concepts like values or culture into the design of your site.

    • Guidance

      To reflect your brand on your logo, business cards or other marketing materials.

    • Communication

      For the understanding of your brand by the management, the designer or other stakeholders.

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    Elaboration of a design

    If the concept stands, we start with our agency work with the actual web design. During the graphic design of your website, we create the first drafts and functions that we have determined based on your requirements.

    optional: development of an SEO strategy

    As we mentioned above, search engine optimization is an extremely effective tool in online marketing. Optionally, we can work together to develop an SEO strategy.

    Here's a quick example:

    • PHASE 1: Competitor analysis

      Better, bigger and further is our motto. To determine your current ACTUAL status, we make an in-depth comparison with your relevant market competitors. We determine this based on links, keywords and current rankings.
      Now it's time to surpass the competitors!

    • PHASE 2: Keyword analysis

      With the help of various Google webmaster and web analysis tools, we determine the most important keywords for your company website. The higher the search volume, the better the ranking.

    • PHASE 3: Development of a structural concept

      Of course, your online presence must not only reach Google, but also your (potential) customers. We achieve an excellent page structure, among other things, through internal linking.

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    Website implementation

    After successful development and approval of your website, the technical implementation follows. Based on the layout, we create the necessary template files, which are based on current web standards such as HTML5, CSS and jQuery.

    As soon as the first results of the implementation of your new website are visible, you will receive a URL from us so that you can view the current status in advance.

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    We work with
    these systems

    It is obvious that we as Happy Heroes agency with years of experience have already worked with almost all popular web design and CMS systems. To give you an overview, we have created a small list:
    The classic WordPress is the Mercedes among the open source CMS. The original blog system now has numerous extensions to equip a fully functional content management system. An absolute favorite in web development, millions of websites run on it worldwide today.
    Besides WordPress, Typo3 is also one of the most popular content management systems. A professional team of developers continuously pushes the software forward and always keeps it up to date. In German-speaking countries, Typo3 is mainly used in corporate portals and e-commerce platforms.
    The Woocommerce store system convinces with its shortcodes - the short commands in square brackets. The effective and useful functions simplify the design of the online store many times. WooCommerce is the most used e-commerce plugin of WordPress.
    Alongside Woocommerce, Shopify is one of the most widely used store systems in the world. The Canadian company offers an all-inclusive solution for e-commerce. The package includes all services for creating and operating a web store. The software costs are only incurred when sales are generated.
    The core files of the Magento online store software are licensed under the Open Software License (OSL) and are therefore freely available. The system offers a lot of free templates and extensions developed by the community to extend the functionality. Magento is mainly used for professional webshop solutions.
    The store software Made in Germany is ideally suited for the online business of companies of all sizes. Thus, smaller merchants can enter the online store world in an uncomplicated and inexpensive way through favorable rental models. For large, international e-commerce companies with complex business models, Shopware is suitable due to its extensive configuration options.

    FAQ — Frequently asked questions about web design agency Berlin

    Do you need more background knowledge? Feel free to ask - our contact form is there to clear up any uncertainties. Otherwise, we have answered some common questions for you in advance.

    Why Happy Heroes?

    When you choose Happy Heroes, you choose solid experience and high professionalism. We attach great importance to an effective and goal-oriented way of working. In addition, a family atmosphere, competent advice and comprehensive support is extremely important to us.

    We always keep agreements and report extremely transparently on project progress. In addition, interpersonal relationships are very important to us. Therefore, each of our clients gets an individual contact person, so that communication always remains clear, efficient and concise. Unlike some other web design agencies, we do not use prefabricated layouts. We design your homepage individually according to your personal ideas and requirements.

    What makes a good web design agency?

    If you are about to create your own serious website, you must necessarily trust your chosen web design agency. Therefore, it is essential that it is also serious, professional, transparent and reliable. Only then you will save a lot of trouble, time and money. To recognize such an agency, you should pay attention to some features.

    • Web presence

      A reputable web design agency has an appealing, contemporary and immaculate homepage. If this is not the case, this agency will most likely also not be able to design your website reasonably.

    • References

      A top web design agency has solid experience and well-rehearsed workflows (workflows and systematized processes). These factors are especially important if you want your project to be completed on time.

    • Portfolio

      A solid web design agency offers a detailed proposal as well as individual solutions. This criterion is important if you expect a personalized homepage and not a prefabricated layout.

    • Transparency

      A credible web design agency has to show complete transparency. Unclear and undifferentiated information is highly unserious. The offer should be well structured and understandable at first glance.

    • Personal contact

      At a good web design agency you will get your individual project manager, with whom you will work out the web design together.

    • Website maintenance

      With a solid web design agency, website maintenance is simply part of the job. Only then your homepage will be comprehensively maintained and you will get new content on it in time.

    • Price structure

      A trustworthy web design agency does not have flat fixed prices on its website. Such information is mostly dubious, because each project is individual. Accordingly, the prices also vary greatly.

    Does web design have anything to do with increasing sales?

    Your website is an important tool to present your products and/or services and increase your sales accordingly. An immaculately designed, contemporary web design stands for credibility, professionalism and quality of your products and creates trust. These aspects are extremely important to inform and retain existing customers and to attract new customers, which in turn increases sales.

    How does web design help me address my target audience correctly?

    No matter how beautifully or professionally your website is built, if the input doesn't match your target audience, you're unlikely to succeed.

    To conclude, here are a few tips on how you can easily attract your (potential) customers.

    By research
    Which came first - the chicken or the egg?
    You can only find the right answer through intensive research. In this case, you start by analyzing the demographic change (age, gender, geography). Then you find out about their needs and interests.

    By searching the competition
    Your competition is ideal as a reference for your web design.
    Look at the colors, fonts and style of their site. There you can get optimal inspiration, so that possibly excellent ideas come to your mind.

    By design and content
    Try to adjust the design so that the content stands out. The text should still be easy to read.
    Here, however, less is sometimes more.
    The reader will tolerate a poorly designed website if the necessary information is present. But if the design confuses, you are more likely to lose the customer.
    With outstanding web design, the following always applies: The user is the focus.

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    Why Happy Heroes?

    Happy happy guarantee
    With honest and transparent compensation, individual contract terms and no hidden costs, your risk remains manageable when you hire us.
    Your success is our goal
    A return on investment (ROI) of 2x, 3x, 4x is not uncommon with our campaigns. For us, only your maximum performance counts.
    10 years of online marketing experience
    We have been managing online marketing projects for well-known companies for 10 years and have set up hundreds of successful campaigns.
    International marketing group
    We are part of the international Happy Horizon Group and thus have a strong partner network at our side.