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Web Analytics

  • Google, Meta, Matomo and co.
  • Serverside Tracking
  • Call Tracking
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    Proven Expert

    Digital analytics agency for Berlin and all over the world

    As a full-service marketing agency from the metropolis of Berlin, Happy Heroes takes care of your web analysis. We take into account important key factors such as the behavior of the users of your website. Our experienced experts use only high-quality web analytics programs to interpret the information correctly and adapt your online campaign accordingly.

    Based on the results, we write comprehensive status reports and help you with individual recommendations to increase the added value of your website and/or your online store in the long term.

    Our services in the area of 
    web analytics

    Analytics audit and optimization

    Implementation of Google Tag Manager (GTM)

    Setup and analysis with Google Analytics

    Analysis with Matomo Analytics and third-party software

    Evaluation of the Google Search Console

    Bing and Yahoo Analytics

    Conversion tracking

    Customer Journey

    Web Analytics Consulting


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    Web analytics tools we know how to use

    Google Analytics

    Google Analytics impresses with a comprehensive toolbox that allows you to closely examine the behavior of your website visitors. We at Happy Heroes are very familiar with Google Analytics and constantly keep ourselves up to date. This means that our employees undergo regular training to keep up with the latest developments of the tool.

    Universal Analytics (UA)

    With Universal Analytics, Google optimized its tool in the sense that all kinds of data can be tracked from now on. We at Happy Heroes know exactly how you can use "UA" to track offline and offsite data in addition to website data.

    Google Analytics 4 (GA4)

    As of July 2023, Google is switching completely to Analytics 4 with the aim of unifying the products. With GA4, it should be considerably easier to incorporate tracking codes. At the same time, possible sources of error can be avoided through more precise tracking. Another innovation is that GA4 now focuses on event tracking. Based on the new features we offer you to align your tracking to the new event-based data model.

    Google Tag Manager

    Our experts at Happy Heroes bring technical know-how that enables us to handle the Google Tag Manager in a routine and success-oriented manner. We can handle and execute even complicated requests, completely independent of your technical partners.

    Google Search Console

    The Google Search Console is indispensable when it comes to analyzing your website in terms of impressions, clicks and other factors. So that you can use the data profitably, we support you in the search analysis, check the user-friendliness on mobile devices and make recommendations for action for your HTML structure.

    If required, we will of course also explain to you how the Google Search Console can generally be used to control SEO measures.

    Matomo Analytics

    The Happy Heroes team is also familiar with Matomo Analytics. Our experts can explain you how to use the tool in an easy-to-understand way and also highlight the main differences compared to other programs. In short: Matomo can be operated without cookies, installed on your own server and used free of charge. If you like clear and tidy interfaces, the dashboard could be the right one for your purposes.

    Important KPIs in digital analysis in 
    online marketing

    Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.




    Click-through rate (CTR)


    SERP positions

    statue with phone

    Call Tracking

    Over 70% of orders in the B2B market are settled by phone! It is important to know where telephone orders come from and what they contribute. With the help of web analytics, orders won by phone can be monitored. This will help you to conclude valuable insights. However, this tool lacks a lot of important information that call tracking can give you.

    Keeping track with tracking

    The specialists of Happy Heroes ensure with professional tracking marketing that the ROI of all marketing activities becomes transparent. Only when you have a complete overview, strategic decisions can be made. Essential questions, can be answered, with the help of a call track:

    • Where are my calls coming from?
    • Which online and offline channels led to conversion?
    • Which keywords led to a phone order?
    • What is the ROI of my offline channels?
    • How valuable is my phone channel compared to other online and offline channels?

    Call tracking as an important building block for the customer journey

    Call tracking as an important building block for the customer journey

    It must be possible to clearly define the role of telephony in the buying process, including the path taken by the customer - called the 'customer journey'. Our experts know how to interpret and evaluate the information collected correctly and use it to set up your campaigns in the best possible way.

    Call tracking is therefore a useful and indispensable addition to your existing Google Adwords, affiliate and / or conversion optimization activities.

    FAQ: Frequently asked questions to our digital analytics agency

    What is Web Analytics?

    Web analytics is a subarea of digital analysis in which previously collected data is evaluated. Thanks to the visualized and interpreted data, it is possible to understand how users use websites and, accordingly, how the user experience can be optimized.

    Why are web analytics especially important for SMEs?

    With the help of web analytics, small and medium-sized companies can easily determine which products and services are well or less well received by users. That is why data-driven marketing is an important tool for assessing the success of campaigns and adjusting lead cost planning accordingly.

    What role does the GDPR play in web tracking?

    Tracking may only be used if the guidelines of the data protection regulation are adhered to. This means that the data must be collected anonymously.

    So that the two don't get in each other's way, you need to set up (pseudo)-anonymized user profiles, adapt the DSGVO and set up "opt-ins" that allow data to be collected only when users confirm this with a click.

    How expensive is the web analysis and what costs should I expect?

    The price range for web analytics depends on the selected tool and the scope of services. Therefore, everything is possible in terms of price, from a few hundred euros to four figures per month. We at Happy Heros will be happy to discuss your individual wishes with you and present you with our transparent price calculation based on this.

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    Why Happy Heroes?

    Happy happy guarantee
    With honest and transparent compensation, individual contract terms and no hidden costs, your risk remains manageable when you hire us.
    Your success is our goal
    A return on investment (ROI) of 2x, 3x, 4x is not uncommon with our campaigns. For us, only your maximum performance counts.
    10 years of online marketing experience
    We have been managing online marketing projects for well-known companies for 10 years and have set up hundreds of successful campaigns.
    International marketing group
    We are part of the international Happy Horizon Group and thus have a strong partner network at our side.