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SEA Agency

  • 500+ successful projects
  • Certified Google Ads agency
  • Google premium partner
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    Google Ads Agency for Berlin and the world

    Advertising on Google requires a sound understanding of search engine logic, web analytics expertise and in-depth knowledge of Google Ads (formerly AdWords). Exactly our thing! As a Google Ads Premium Agency, we have been expertly and very successfully managing campaigns for small, medium and large customers from a wide range of industries for more than ten years.

    Successful SEA management requires professional support from experienced and Google-certified AdWords specialists as well as data-supported control, measurement and optimization of your advertising campaigns. This is the only way to ensure that we exploit the maximum potential of this form of advertising for you and avoid unnecessary wastage.

    Successful SEA management requires professional support from experienced and Google-certified AdWords specialists as well as data-supported control, measurement and optimization of your advertising campaigns. This is the only way to ensure that we exploit the maximum potential of this form of advertising for you and avoid unnecessary wastage.

    We use real-time search data and detailed analytics to maximize high-performance keywords and ads and eliminate low-performers. We carefully test and optimize your Google Ads on an ongoing basis. Our goal is to create real, measurable value for your website and contribute to your growth.

    Through advanced event tracking with Google Analytics 4 and phone tracking, we can measure every lead, every purchase and all additional conversions on your website or landing page and assign them to a campaign, an ad or even a keyword. You'll find out exactly which keywords and phrases lead to the desired conclusion.

    So don't leave your online marketing success to chance and take advantage of our detailed consultation, we'll be happy to do that. Together, we'll take an in-depth look at your company, your industry and the current market and develop a PPC roadmap that pays off for you.

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    Services as a SEA agency

    Keyword research

    To present your ads to exactly the right users, we find the right selection of keywords that trigger conversions on your site.

    Keyword exclusion

    After a detailed keyword research, we exclude all non-relevant terms to make your campaign even more efficient and avoid wastage.

    Bidding optimization

    We place your ad on Google at the best price. Through optimized bidding on ad spaces, we get the most out of your advertising budget.

    A/B testing of ads

    To find out which texts and images your customers respond best to, we constantly conduct A/B tests to find the optimal approach for your customers.

    Analysis of the website and user behavior

    We also take care of your website or landing page and make sure that it offers the best possible performance when users click on your ads.

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    SEA campaigns we implement

    Search campaigns

    Promote your business in Google search and reach exactly the people who are interested in your product or service. We make sure that your search ads appear exactly when potential customers want to find you.

    Shopping campaigns

    With Shopping ads you present products from your online store directly in Google search. Through the well-known Pay per Click principle (PPC), you only pay for traffic that actually lands on your product pages.

    Display campaigns

    How do you reach more than 90% of all Internet users? Exactly: via the Google Display Network. Place your ads directly where your target group is. Whether animated ads or static displays, we support you and create your perfect online ad.

    YouTube campaigns

    YouTube is one of the largest search engines and at the same time the largest video platform in the world with two billion active users. Through extensive targeting functions, you reach your target group and benefit from favorable broadcast prices.

    Gmail ads

    Nowadays, email marketing is also part of the basic online presence of every company. Google offers you the opportunity to reach new customer groups with advertising directly in the Gmail inbox.

    App campaigns

    You already have an app on Google Play, in the Apple App Store or are about to publish your app? With app campaigns, you promote your app on many platforms, such as Google Search, YouTube or in the stores.

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    Even more visibility thanks to targeted display campaigns

    What role does real-time bidding (RTB) play in display marketing?

    Display marketing is basically the technical evolution of traditional billboard advertising on the street. With display marketing, your visual messages are played out via banners on websites or social media. This form of advertising is ideal for product launches, branding and hard-hitting sales campaigns. Unlike traditional billboard advertising, reach and success can be measured precisely. You can see where and how often your banner was displayed, how often users clicked on it and what happened after the click.
    Real-time bidding makes it possible to place the desired advertising message on selected websites in real time.

    You can see where and how often your banner was displayed, how often users clicked on it and what happened after the click.
    Real-time bidding makes it possible to place the desired advertising message on selected websites in real time.

    If an advertising space opens up on a page, this is communicated directly to the "exchange", i.e. a kind of advertising exchange. Providers and interested parties meet here and negotiate about this space in the form of an auction. The highest bidder wins, just like at a real auction.

    Two approaches are usually distinguished in display marketing. The so-called "Prospecting" (exploration) and "Retargeting" (retargeting). Both are used to place your advertising message on social media platforms such as Facebook or Instagram, or on specific websites where your target group typically spends time. Both tactics complement each other in the See-Think-Do-Care model:

    And achieve optimal results with appropriate consideration. We explain to you how this works!

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    Prospecting Retargeting
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    Use retargeting in display marketing in a targeted manner to address the target group again

    Retargeting refers to the repeated addressing of users who have already been on your website, but have not (yet) triggered a conversion. Retargeting is primarily used to repeatedly direct undecided users to your offer and to persuade them to make a purchase. Retargeting is therefore particularly conclusion-oriented and belongs to the Do phase of the See-Think-Do-Care model.

    Retargeting is used to target your previous website visitors according to their user behavior. This can be certain page views, dwell time, scrolling behavior, bounce rates, etc. If the user leaves your site without taking the desired action, they will be retargeted through text ads in the search network (RSLA), via banners in the display network or in social media such as Facebook. Thanks to sophisticated retargeting tactics and users who are already well into the purchase decision process, click-through rate (CTR) and conversion rate are usually above average.

    Retargeting is used to target your previous website visitors according to their user behavior. This can be certain page views, dwell time, scrolling behavior, bounce rates, etc. If the user leaves your site without taking the desired action, they will be retargeted through text ads in the search network (RSLA), via banners in the display network or in social media such as Facebook. Thanks to sophisticated retargeting tactics and users who are already well into the purchase decision process, click-through rate (CTR) and conversion rate are usually above average.

    The repeated address can and should be as specific as possible and, if necessary, respond to the behavior of the user on your website. Has he looked at a certain product or compared it with two other products? Then show him a banner that shows exactly these products in the price comparison and give him the opportunity to return to exactly this product page with just one click. Thanks to dynamic retargeting campaigns and users who are already well into the purchase decision process, click-through rate (CTR) and conversion rate are usually above average.

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    SEO from Berlin
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    Get found on Google now!
    The Happy Heroes make it possible.

    Your certified AdWords agency

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    Your certified
    AdWords agency

    Your Google Partner Agency in Berlin

    As a leading Berlin agency, both in the field of search engine optimization (SEO) and search engine advertising (SEA), you will experience with us competent and honest advice and close personal support in all matters relating to online marketing. We see ourselves as partners of our customers and build on a trusting and long-term cooperation.

    SEA procedure

    Depending on your business model and company orientation, you evaluate the performance of your marketing on the basis of qualified leads, sales or the increase in your brand awareness. To gain a better understanding of what goals you want to achieve, we discuss suitable KPIs in advance, which we measure continuously and dynamically adjust our campaigns accordingly.

    We review all historical website and campaign data to identify key insights and future areas of focus. We encourage our clients to provide us with insight into their sales and CRM data so that we can realize additional opportunities in terms of ROI increases.

    We offer a transparent service description with a precise scope and time frame for the management of your PPC accounts with an explicit statement of the advertising budget. Unlike many other agencies, we break down for you exactly what the scope of our service offering is and what costs are paid to the respective advertising networks. After joint coordination, we then design a strategy that takes into account your goals, your budget and current market conditions.

    The right Google AdWords account structure is one of the key factors for the success of your search engine marketing. Setting up campaigns, ad groups and keywords correctly is both a science and an art. This is where many companies fall into the trap of supposedly low-cost providers. A poorly set up or half-heartedly managed account can swallow up vast sums of advertising budget through unnecessary clicks and leave real opportunities untapped. Often it requires at the beginning of our cooperation a more extensive and continuous restructuring of your account. If you don't have an account yet, we will focus on a solid and sustainable account setup from the beginning and gradually expand the campaign structure.

    Your campaigns are continuously tested, expanded and optimized by us. Every month you will receive a detailed performance report and have the opportunity to talk to your project manager about the latest figures and developments.

    Advantages of Google Adwords for SMEs

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    Advantages of Google Adwords for SMEs

    • Over ten years of experience and expertise in online advertising with a focus on search engine marketing (Google, Bing)
    • Joint development of individual strategies and concepts
    • Advice and guidance on improving the user experience (UX) of your web and landing pages
    • Conversion rate maximization through usability optimization advice
    • Continuous KPI-based optimization of your campaigns and close coordination loops with your personal project manager
    • State-of-the-art tracking of events and conversions on your website through Google Analytics 4

    SEA FAQ: The most important questions about Google Adwords

    SEA prices - What costs should I expect for SEA in your agency?

    The pricing depends on a number of factors, such as the size of the website, the scope of your product or service range and the size of your advertising budget. Together we will discuss the type and scope of our services and make you an offer that meets your goals.

    Is the SEA consultation in your agency really free of charge?

    Yes! We will advise you free of charge and without obligation in an initial conversation. Our motto is: Don't let anything be talked into you and make informed decisions. Our working principles are transparency, honesty and comprehensible data with sources. Would you like to receive in-depth advice and would you like to have a contact person who understands your business and his business? Happy Heroes are your online marketing partners for the world's best SEA!

    Call us, book an appointment or write to us for your free initial consultation and analysis. Maximum power online with the Happy Heroes from Berlin!

    Do you only do SEA for companies in Berlin?

    No, not exclusively! Of course, we at Happy Heroes are available to you personally as your online marketing partner agency in the Berlin area. However, we do not limit ourselves to the greater Berlin area, but offer our support as a Google Ads Premium Agency for upcoming campaigns throughout Germany - for companies from very different industries.

    How does a cooperation with a Google Ads agency work?

    At the beginning of a possible cooperation, we offer a non-binding and free consultation. If you decide to work with Happy Heroes, we will first provide you with a comprehensive consulting offer and design - based on your ideas - a targeted SEA campaign tailored to your business. Within the framework of the KPIs we discuss, we determine the (future) focus of the campaign structure and provide you with accurate monthly reports with the current key figures.

    Can we just do SEA ourselves?

    In principle, you can also carry out SEA measures on your own. However, search engine advertising without profound and well-founded know-how is and remains a matter of luck. In order to implement SEA successfully, it is important to work with professional specialists who are experienced with Google AdWords. Only qualified online marketing partners have enough time and practical experience to relieve your company and at the same time implement targeted strategies to achieve your predefined marketing goals and generate more traffic.

    In this way, you will not burn money, nor will the further development of the campaigns be neglected. The Happy Heroes care. :-)

    How many visitors can I get through Google Adwords?

    Traffic can be increased significantly through successful SEA. How many visitors are added by Google Adwords depends largely on the respective campaign and the budget. In general, the professional implementation of a Google Ads campaign increases the number of visitors, sometimes significantly. An increase of several hundred to one thousand percent is feasible.

    As visibility increases and Google Ads can be optimized for specific target groups, brand awareness can also be significantly increased.

    SEA on Google and Bing - What are the differences?

    It is not only in terms of market share that the search engines Google (Google Ads at more than 90 percent) and Bing (Microsoft with around 10 percent) differ from each other. Unlike Google Ads, however, Microsoft Ads are available in significantly fewer countries, which limits the reach of the campaigns.

    In addition to the different reach, SEA measures on Google and Bing also differ in other respects: For example, in the click prices, which differ greatly depending on the industry and are often more favorable on Bing. Accordingly, Bing ads have a comparable or even higher click-through rate (CTR) in many areas. There are also slight navigation and term differences in the handling of the user interfaces on Google and Bing.

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    Why Happy Heroes?

    Happy happy guarantee
    With honest and transparent compensation, individual contract terms and no hidden costs, your risk remains manageable when you hire us.
    Your success is our goal
    A return on investment (ROI) of 2x, 3x, 4x is not uncommon with our campaigns. For us, only your maximum performance counts.
    10 years of online marketing experience
    We have been managing online marketing projects for well-known companies for 10 years and have set up hundreds of successful campaigns.
    International marketing group
    We are part of the international Happy Horizon Group and thus have a strong partner network at our side.