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Cannabis Marketing Agency Berlin

  • Strategies for your CBD Business
  • Industry knowledge and experience through collaboration with numerous CBD companies
  • Customized solutions for you
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    CBD and hemp marketing from the heart of Berlin for your cannabis business

    Advertising in an industry characterized by constant change and growth is a challenge. As a trusted partner, we stand by your side to help you realize the full potential of the cannabis market. By combining creative marketing solutions and in-depth industry knowledge, we'll help your cannabis business flourish.

    Happy Heroes is your online marketing agency for cannabis products

    With Happy Heroes by your side, you'll enter the world of strategic digital marketing, tailored specifically for the cannabis industry. We're your partners when it comes to creating brand-boosting ads, breaking habits and exceeding your expectations. We bring years of digital marketing experience and deep cannabis industry knowledge to develop solutions tailored to your specific needs. With us, you'll reach the right audience, increasing your brand awareness and sales. Together, we'll take your cannabis business to the next level.

    Cannabis marketing:
    our services 🥦

    SEO marketing for cannabis companies

    SEO (search engine optimization) is one of the most effective ways to increase the visibility of your cannabis brand online in the long run. We focus on implementing SEO strategies specific to the cannabis industry. We identify relevant keywords, analyze your competitors and optimize your website to improve your search engine rankings, managing to attract more potential customers to your site. With over 10 years of SEO experience, we can help you outrank your competitors and make your business a well-known brand in the cannabis industry.

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    Paid social media marketing

    Paid social media ads are a powerful way to promote your brand and help put your product right in front of potential customers. However, promoting CBD products through paid social media can be challenging due to strict guidelines, especially on platforms like Google Ads, Facebook, and Instagram, where such advertising is either very difficult or even impossible. Considering these difficulties, Twitter or YouTube often prove to be an advantageous option that does not have such restrictions. At Happy Heroes, we are ready to guide you through this process and ensure that your CBD products are promoted effectively and in accordance with applicable regulations.

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    Content marketing for CBD products

    As your specialized marketing agency, we support you specifically in the promotion of CBD products. We create engaging and informative content that inspires and engages your target audience - whether B2B or B2C. We put your brand and products in the best light. If you are unsure how your content should look like, that's no problem. We are at your side and help you develop a concept and create appealing content. Based on the concept we plan and implement the content editorially. Our main goal is to provide added value, to gain the trust of your customers and to accompany them on their way from discovery to purchase of your products. Our content marketing approach is strategic and data-driven to ensure we deliver the right messages to the right people at the right time.

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    Email marketing for hemp stores

    Email marketing is an effective way to establish and maintain direct contact with your customers. As a marketing agency for your cannabis store, we design and implement custom email marketing campaigns tailored to your target audience and specific business goals. We help you with all the necessary steps from design and content conception of emails to setting up automations and ultimately sending out newsletters. With our expertise in email marketing, we help you expand your customer base and increase your revenue.

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    We know our way around cannabis icon:
    Our reference customers

    Mary Jane
    Hanfmesse Berlin
    Neon Glitch
    CBD Paradise

    FAQ: Frequently asked questions about cannabis marketing

     Which CBD marketing strategies are suitable on the long way to digitalisation?

    Marketing cannabis online can be challenging, as many platforms and ad networks have strict policies regarding cannabis products.

    One popular strategy is to use search engine optimization (SEO). By optimizing your website for relevant keywords and creating SEO-optimized content, you can improve your visibility in organic search results. High-quality, editorial guest posts with backlinks add the necessary SEO power to your website.

    Another option is to use social media such as Twitter or YouTube. Although advertising cannabis on Twitter is partially possible, as an advertiser you must follow the strict guidelines, which can change constantly. It's important to know the current rules and make sure all promotional materials are compliant.

    Unfortunately, it is currently not possible to run ads for cannabis products on Facebook and Instagram (meta), as these platforms have strict policies against advertising cannabis products.

    If you want to market cannabis, it is important to constantly keep up to date with the latest guidelines and adapt your marketing strategies accordingly. This may mean exploring alternative channels and tactics to reach your target audience. It is therefore recommended to work with an online marketing expert who is well versed in the cannabis industry and the changing advertising guidelines. At Happy Heroes, we are happy to advise and support you in this process.

    Are there challenges or hurdles in cannabis online marketing?

    Yes, there are undoubtedly challenges and hurdles in online marketing, especially in the area of cannabis marketing. Strict legal regulations and varying platform policies can make promoting cannabis products difficult. Audience segmentation is also challenging as it needs to be precise and effective to reach the right customers.

    But don't worry! At Happy Heroes we see these challenges as exciting opportunities to increase creativity, innovation and differentiation. We help our clients successfully overcome these hurdles by providing tailored and data-driven marketing strategies that are compliant, targeted and effective. Our cannabis marketing expertise allows us to turn market challenges into growth opportunities for our clients.

     What is the current state of legalization in Germany? What is the legal status of CBD products?

    CBD products are generally legal in Germany as long as they comply with the THC upper limit of 0.2 percent. Products made exclusively from hemp seeds are also legal. However, it is important to note that CBD products cannot be classified as medicines or novel foods. This means that no specific health claims can be attributed to them and they cannot be advertised as a cure. It should also be noted that processed CBD products with a THC content of less than 0.2 percent are permitted by law. However, unprocessed CBD products are not yet legal for consumers to purchase.

    Cannabis is currently largely illegal in Germany. However, there is a gradual approach to legalization. In November 2020, the Federal Constitutional Court ruled that a general ban on growing cannabis for personal use violated the right to personal development. In response to this, the Federal Cabinet passed the "Law on the Controlled Handling of Cannabis and Amending Other Regulations" in September 2023.

    Under the bill, adults will be allowed to grow cannabis in limited quantities privately or in non-commercial associations. Possession of up to 25 grams of cannabis should be exempt from punishment. There is a general ban on advertising and sponsorship for consumer cannabis and cultivation associations. Minors are still prohibited from possessing cannabis. There will also be a ban on consumption in a protection zone of 200 meters away.

    The aim of the law is to reduce the black market and control the quality of cannabis. The law is currently in the parliamentary legislative process and is expected to come into force in early 2024. Until then, possession and consumption of cannabis remains illegal.

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    Why Happy Heroes?

    Happy happy guarantee
    With honest and transparent compensation, individual contract terms and no hidden costs, your risk remains manageable when you hire us.
    Your success is our goal
    A return on investment (ROI) of 2x, 3x, 4x is not uncommon with our campaigns. For us, only your maximum performance counts.
    10 years of online marketing experience
    We have been managing online marketing projects for well-known companies for 10 years and have set up hundreds of successful campaigns.
    International marketing group
    We are part of the international Happy Horizon Group and thus have a strong partner network at our side.